Whether it is to write work notes in, make to-do lists or write your thoughts in, notebooks can be a life savior. It will be great then to find a notebook or diary made specially for you. This Wooden Photo Diary with printed photo and a name, make it personalized for you in true sense.
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How to place an order? Step 1-Choose option you need a product with or without gift wrap. Step 2- Provide your no. For order updates. Step 3-Choose quantity of product you need. Step 4-Click on buying it now. once check again your order details. Step 5- Click on proceed to checkout then create your account. Step 6-Provide your address detail and click on continue shopping Step 7- Choose the payment mode. Cod /prepaid Step 8-Confirm your order and you will get an order no. |
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Estimated delivery time 5-10 days