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Product Name: Shiv ji Car Dashboard Lamp
Description: Shiv ji Car Dashboard Lamp
How much time do we take for delivery?
- Usually, it takes a maximum of 7 working days to deliver your order. However, we try to ensure we stick to your preferred date.
Replacement or Refund policy?
- Make a video while opening the parcel. If you get a damaged or broken package then send us that video within 2 days after delivery and we will examine the video if we find that the video is genuine we will send you a new product within 5-6 days.
- Refunds are made only in this case if the customer cancels the orders within 24 hours of placing the order. In that case, we refund your amount after deducting 2% of payment gateway charges. Make sure you will not get any refund after 24 hours because after that order gets into the making process.
How to contact us?
- You can directly contact us in three ways:-
- Through WhatsApp:7700043200
- Through the mail: info@lovecraftgift.com
- Or/ You connect with us: via Instagram, Facebook, YouTube